Orchid: Image Latent Diffusion for Joint Appearance and Geometry Generation

1Google DeepMind, 2Georgia Institute of Technology, 3Waymo
Orchid teaser demonstrating applications.

Orchid is a unified image diffusion model for joint color, depth, and surface normal generation. It is a flexible generative prior that can be used for multiple applications.


Diffusion models trained on large datasets capture expressive image priors which have been used for generating images, predicting geometry (depth, surface normals) from images, and for inverse problems like inpainting. However, these tasks typically require a separate model, eg. one each for generating images, depth prediction, and surface normal prediction. In this paper, we propose a novel image diffusion prior that jointly encodes appearance and geometry.

We introduce a diffusion model Orchid, comprising a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to encode color, depth, and surface normals to a latent space, and a Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) for generating these joint latents. Orchid directly generates color, relative depth, and surface normals from text, and can be used to seamlessly create image aligned partial 3D scenes. It can also perform image-conditioned tasks like monocular depth and normal prediction jointly and is competitive in accuracy to state-of-the-art methods designed for those tasks alone. Since our model learns a joint prior, it can be used zero-shot as a regularizer for many inverse problems that entangle appearance and geometry. For example, we demonstrate its effectiveness for joint color-depth-normal inpainting, showcasing its applicability as a prior for sparse view 3D generation.

Text conditioned generation

Orchid can jointly generate color, depth and surface normal images from a text prompt in a single diffusion process.

Monocular joint depth-normal prediction

Orchid can also jointly generate depth and surface normals from input images with additional image-conditioned finetuning. We visualize below the joint depth and surface normal predictions for input color images, and compare our results to previous work on joint depth-normal prediction using diffusion models: GeoWizard.

We use Orchid's depth and normals predictions to train 3D Gaussian Splats from a single image. Renders of trained 3D Gaussian splats are shown below:

Joint color-depth-normal inpainting

Orchid's joint color-depth-normal prior can be used for inverse problems in the multimodal space, such as joint inpainting. Given color, depth, and normals with a mask to be inpainted (color + mask is shown on the left), we jointly inpaint the masked region in all three modalities.

How does it work?

Orchid training

We first train a new VAE to jointly encode color, depth and normal to a latent space. We then finetune a pretrained latent diffusion model for text-conditioned denoising on the joint latent space. We use a distillation loss during the VAE training to ensure that the joint latent space is structurally similar to the color-only latent used for pretraining.

Orchid training scheme

Inference scheme

The trained Orchid model can be readily used to generate color, depth and normals from text (a). For image-conditioned depth and normal prediction (b), we further finetune Orchid with an additional color-only latent input, while diffusing the same joint latent.

Orchid inference scheme


  title={Orchid: Image Latent Diffusion for Joint Appearance and Geometry Generation},
  author={Akshay Krishnan and Xinchen Yan and Vincent Casser and Abhijit Kundu},